5 May 2020

Making a positive difference

Making a positive difference has always been part of our ethos and we’re pleased to announce today, on #GivingTuesdayNow, that for all new work won (with both current and new clients) during the Covid-19 pandemic, we’ll be making a donation to charity. We really appreciate every client who partners with us, so as a way of saying thank you, we will make a gift on behalf of our clients to one of two local charities.

Clients will be asked to choose between giving to either Shekinah or St Luke’s Hospice Plymouth. Donations will be based on profits generated from the work, and clients will be notified as to what the donation has equated to – it could be 5 hot meals or counselling hours to an individual who is in recovery through Shekinah, or a donation towards providing patients’ meals at St Luke’s Hospice. Each client will then receive a certificate to confirm what has been donated to help make a positive difference in partnership with us. Clients will be contacted very soon to arrange our April donations.

Read more about our chosen charities…

Shekinah is a Devon & Cornwall, UK based charity that provides opportunities for people in recovery or seeking recovery. This may include recovery from homelessness, drug and alcohol issues, offending behaviours or mental ill health.

St Luke’s Hospice Plymouth is an independent charity providing specialist advice and support to people with progressive life-limiting illnesses in Plymouth, South West Devon and East Cornwall. We believe that everyone deserves quality end of life care, no matter where. They work with their community, in partnership with others, to achieve dignity, comfort and choice for people affected by life-limiting illnesses through delivering and influencing exceptional care.

If you have any questions about our charity giving, please do email Clare.

In the meantime, if you have a digital project in mind, please do drop us a line to have a chat (and a cookie #ShareTheCookieLove)! We’d be more than happy to help.

Follow us on Twitter @MwMaturity and Facebook and Instagram @MadeWithMaturity

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